Recipe courtesy of Tony Smith, Executive Chef at Canterbury Tales, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Christchurch.
The Black swan breast is very easy to use and when cooked quickly and rested a little is very tender much to the surprise a lot of people trying it for the first time who will never guess what is before them. This recipe serves four.
2 black swan breasts (they are normally between 300g and 400g each)
A sprinkle of olive oil and wine
1 onion
A dash of cooking oil
½ teaspoon ground cumin
¼ teaspoon ground coriander
1/3 cup raisins
1 lemon
2 teaspoons gravy mix
Trim the breasts and simply cut across the breast into five to six pieces. Cut the end pieces a little thicker so that all the pieces are around the same weight. Gently tap each piece out a little with a light meat mallet. You can use the back of a knife - you just need to shape each piece into nice little medallion steaks. Put them into a dish, sprinkle over the oil and wine and a generous grind of black pepper. Cover with cling film and chill until required.
Peel the rind from the lemon and cut into thin strips. Add a cup of boiling water to the raisins, the lemon rind and a little squeeze of juice. Dice the onions, fry a minute or two in a small saucepan then add the spices and a pinch of salt and pepper. Add the raisins, water and lemon and simmer until it has reduced and the onions are soft (around fifteen minutes). Add a dessert spoon of water to the gravy mix and stir into the onions to combine. Season to taste.
Preheat a heavy pan or barbecue flat top. Place on the steaks and cook a couple of minutes on each side. Rest in a warm place for 5 -10 minutes then serve with the spiced onions.