Region Otago
Address 29 Kitchener St, Dunedin
Phone 03 477 9784
Speak to our chef Please discuss your game with the restaurant when you book.
Menu Click here to see see our Gamebird Festival menu.
Cooking gamebirds until end of July 2009
About us
Mark and Kerry have owned High Tide since 1999. Since then, they have won many awards and career highlights: Beef and Lamb Hallmark of Excellence Award 1999 to 2009, NZ Wine Society favourite BYO restaurant 2003/2004, Monteith’s Beer and Wild Food Challenge Regional Winner 2003, 2005, 2008 and National Winner 2005, Corbans Perfect Match (wine and food match) lower South Island Winner 2007. We serve Modern New Zealand cuisine.
Gamebird dining arrangements
Bookings are essential.
Bird preparation guidelines
Please bring your prepared game to the restaurant between 1pm and 5pm the day before your booking.