Thanks to Mortons Winery Restaurant, Katikati
1 cup livers
1 cup hare
1/2 cup duck
1/2 cup bacon
3 eggs
½ cup sautéed onions
Chopped parsley
Add salt and pepper to taste

Mince the first four ingredients together. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Oil a loaf tin and line with bacon strips. (You can substitute with grape leaves blanched and brined in 1 tsp salt to 1 cup of water)

Pour pate mixture into the tin and fold any reamaining bacon over the top of the pate. Cover with tin foil and place in a large roasting dish that is half filled with water. Cook for 90 minutes at 180 degrees.Cool and store in the refrigerator. Turn the pate out onto a plate to serve.

You can use hare, swan, goose, pukeko, duck or any other game combination.