Thanks to Bacchus Restaurant, Blenheim
2 pheasant carcasses
1 large brown onion
1 carrot
1 leek
½ bunch celery
1 tsp cracked black pepper
2 bay leaves
4 twigs of fresh thyme
2 cloves
1 piece of mace
Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius. Put the carcasses in for 30 minutes until nicely browned. Take out of baking tray, put in large pot, add 4 litres of cold water and bring to the boil.
In the meantime chop all the vegetables except the onion into small chunks. Chop the onions in half and blacken the “ flesh” side in a hot frying pan. This will give the stock a nice brown colour. Skim all the fat off your pheasant pot. Remember NEVER boil a broth; keep it under 100 degrees as you want it to be as clear as possible. If you boil it your broth will never be nice and clear. When almost to the boil add your chopped green and herbs (bouquet) and the onion. Simmer for about 4 hours, then remove from the stove and strain the broth. Bring back to the boil and check for seasoning.
Add your favourite ingredients. These can be chopped fresh herbs, chicken strips, mushrooms, meatballs. You can add whatever you want to make it your own soup. I’ve added some seasoned whipped cream to create a cappuccino effect.